The average person spends more than a third of their life at work. That’s roughly 100,000 hours on the job. And 100,000 hours of your lifetime.

If every hour counts, isn’t it time to make sure every hour matters?

It’s long past time for employers to put their money where their mouths are. Corporate profits are reaching new levels every day. Corporate greed is out of control. Inflation is insane. And politicians can’t agree on anything to recognize and solve these problems.

This is why unions matter more than ever. The average Teamster earns $10,000 more a year than the average nonunion worker. The average Teamster has 10x better health care and retirement benefits.

In the labor movement, bigger is better. And the Teamsters are the best. No single union is bigger, more diverse, or accomplished so much. Throughout history, no union has delivered more than the Teamsters.

To protect your way of life and put more money in your pocket, nothing beats Teamster representation.

From the 1964 National Master Freight Agreement to the 2023 UPS National Contract, the best labor agreements in North America are all negotiated and won by the Teamsters.

You have a voice, and you deserve a strong contract. Get protected. Get it in writing.

Be a Teamster.

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